Keeping Marquette beautiful since 1978

Join Us

Please fill out the form below.

Membership dues are $35.00 annually, and
includes a monthly e-newsletter.
Payment is accepted by check to MBRC,
PO Box 334, Marquette MI. 49855
or paypal on our donation page.

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1. Be more visible and accessible to the community.

2. Be more involved with local city committees.

3. Promote educational programs for the community.

4. Organize and host an annual Awards program.

5. Promote historic preservation in the community.

6. Review and renew fundraisers for the committee
each year.

7. Maximize the committee's relationship with the
City of Marquette.

8. Work with the City of Marquette, NMU and the
Graffiti Coalition through “Project Sparkle” to
address and irradicate graffiti in our area.